Aesthetic Peacock 🦚 in our Aesthetic life
Peacock🦚 in our aesthetic life
A blue glow,
That makes everyone say “Ooo”,
The peacock’s feathers when spread look as
giving to the ground blue light,
Which brings to the trippers a charming smile,
When the wet rain with the ground together
There is an extraordinary incredible fab,
The peacock starts dancing exceptionally
We feel around us an ecstasy fencing,
Golden green rays emit from their feathers,
That we can’t stop to gather,
For perceiving this wondrous sight,
It would be more marvelous if it could take a
sky-high flight,
When looking at it our eyes pounce out and
magically stop,
The peacock is so magnificent from bottom to
That no one can stop the row of
hearts go to the peacock, not even the fog,
If it comes to dancing on the road,
Everything from cars to people would come to
It spreads out its wings with valor,
In use, we need to outshine that gleaming
Don’t just sit and perch on the tree,
Do something outstanding that makes everyone
Animals should be given importance and cared,
Don’t let them become extinct and rare,
Increase the number of livings of every animal
and bird,
Build national parks and sanctuaries where they
can freely happily run,
Store the peacock’s beautiful sights in your
mind and heart,
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